Be Still.
Quiet your mind and make meditation part of your daily life.
That is very true when it comes to practice Yoga or Meditation. The speed of our minds is certainly not the speed of our bodies. We are constantly doing one thing and already thinking about the next.
One of the best ways to calm yourself down is with meditation and yoga, the results of this daily routine can be life-changing for a lot of people.
It is explained how this account is derived from in-depth fieldwork tracing how practitioners of yoga and meditation find times and spaces for these practices, often in the face of busy urban lifestyles. The benefits that they perceive themselves to derive from these practices, and to claims made about ‘energies’ generated during the time-spaces of these practices which seemingly flow, usually with positive effects, in other areas of their lives.
According to many experts, it is best to put this practice first thing in the morning. Meditation or yoga, will without a doubt set the mood for the day.
It is the perfect time to simply clear your mind for a few minutes, time to appreciate or to give thanks for, or perhaps just take notes of your emotions at the moment, knowing your mood will make your decisions making more effective.
This will not only be good for your mental state of mind, but also for your body and soul, a good sense of calm can do wonders in your daily living.
Taking time for our mind and is just as important as to take time for our body, the habit of eating healthy is not an easy one either, but it must be done. It is just not possible to have a healthy body without working out or some kind of activity.
It’s very important to have that space for your choice of exercise, mind-body, and soul. The energy in a room makes such a difference. Just the fact that there are all those other people and that you’ve all come there together, and you are all there for similar reasons. And there’s just amazing energy in a room and particularly in the self-practice class because all you can hear is just people breathing. And everyone is just totally focussed on what they are doing and, it’s just energizing and uplifting.
The times to be seating in the front porch and a rocking chair is a thing of the past, people are making the right choices and taking much better care of their lives, and Yoga or meditation is something that everyone and any age can do and add years fo good living to their time here on earth. Afterlife is a gift from above and it should be treasured. With good health anything is possible. Set your mind and get it done, no more waiting, no more excuses, no more tired, Live the life that you were meant to live.